Sunday, January 1, 2012

Arianna is Home!

We were able to bring Arianna home on Thursday December 29th. That day was a total emotional rollar coaster. We were able to get a court date for that morning and had assumed that it would go smoothly and we would be able to be on our way home by noon...It wasn't that easy. The birth father, Tyson, came to the court house and wanted very much to be a father to Arianna. We were told there was nothing else for us to do but walk away...The Lord blessed us and touched Tyson's heart. He and his mother agreed to talk with us, and after an amazing conversation Tyson consented to the adoption. We were very touched by the love that he had for a daughter he had never met. We invited him and his family to the hospital to meet Arianna when we checked her out...

It was one of the most wonderful scenes I have ever witnessed. Arianna will now have the opportunity to know both her birth-mother and birth-father. I cannot think of a better beginning to this adoption. Miracles were worked and lives were changed.
Arianna is now home and we are figuring out how life is supposed to work. My family came down the visit and we invited all Ben's siblings over to meet her...Tomorrow will be the first "normal" day of our new life...we will see how it goes...


  1. Tomorrow's normal will be a dream! You may get poop and throw up on you and you may not sleep very much, but you'll do great because you're a mother. You always have been.

  2. Oh Ashely! I am so glad that it worked out! How heart wrenching! I am so glad that she is now home safe with you! She looks so at home in her crib! Congratulations!!!

  3. Ashley and Ben what a great blessing you guys truly received. I am so happy for you guys. I didn't get a chance to talk to Ben today at church but he was grinning from ear to ear. Congrats to you both.

  4. We're so happy to hear about all the blessings that have come to everyone involved. We love you guys!

  5. What a miracle. That must have been so scary and stressful since you didn't know what the end would be. So glad she is yours.

  6. Ashley- I am SO happy that everything worked out for you and Ben, and that Arianna is home with you. I know you will be the most amazing mom. Love you girl!

  7. congrats Ashley!! She has joined such a wonderful family! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  8. So wish I could be there to hold her and help you! Love newborns!
