Dear Arianna,
This last month has been a battle with food. Your nose was so stuffed that you had trouble breathing while you were eating so we were lucky if you ate half of what you normally ate...and you fought me the whole time. We finally figured out that you wanted some space, so now we lay you on the ground to feed you, and you are liking that much better. Tonight you ate your entire bottle...I am so glad you are feeling better.
You have discovered some new sounds and babbling. You say "Ma--Ma--Ma--" when you are whining and "Dadadada" when you are happy. You also discovered how to click your tongue. Your favorite sound is a high pitched "yayayayayaya." The only time that you are really quiet is when we are outside...then you just sit and watch, mesmerized by everything around you.
You now have four teeth, 2 on bottom and 2 on top; I am sure that more are not far behind. You chew on everything you can get your hands on, including your hands and toes! As I said, this month we have fought over food, but you have started to enjoy graham crackers and puffed rice. You still love cucumbers, but now you eat little chunks out of the middle.
Ari, your dad and I love you so much. We feel so blessed that we are able to be your parents. You have already taught us so much. I love seeing your personality slowly emerge. I love the person you are becoming. I can't emphasize enough how much light you have brought into our and so many other's lives. We love you so much!
Love Mom
*We are having internet issues, there are more videos and pictures that I will post when it is working*
*We are having internet issues, there are more videos and pictures that I will post when it is working*
Wow, she is growing up so fast, milestones, new car seat and all!